Monday, November 23, 2015

Journal: Supernatural


So hey~ I am currently at the 9th season of Supernatural.  I'm like way back behind but I don't mind this, I'm proud of myself and also sometimes got shocked with spoiler around the net, no one to blame.  This season, it is overwhelming, intense, sad, pain & etc.  Great plot tho I have a few questions here and there but I dont want to spoil the fun, get along.  

Not very long time ago I found a vid clip of narration. It got me the first time I saw the clip, and back then I was in the earlier seasons if not mistaken.  But then I decided to find again and I found it and how the video clip gives me a much clearer view of what it is about.  I love the narration, the montage of Dean's hurting in and out, it really is about him hurting, restless, hopeless and while writing this I am putting the clip on loop.  The piano and her voice are really perfect together makes we want to find Dean and be there for him, I cried.  Ya these later seasons got me crying a lot and I admit I am highly get touchy2 and all.

It's like you're screaming and no one can hear..
You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important
that without them you feel like nothing
no one will never understand how much it hurts
you feel hopeless
but nothing can save you
and when it's over and it is gone
you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back
so you can have the good.

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Tuzki Bunny Emoticon
After I watched most of the scenes included in above clip, I understand that this piece is really about him and in few episodes when Sam finally understand what's been happening and how he is so pissed at Dean and said how he really ready to die and Dean won't let that happen.

"You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important
that without them you feel like nothing" 

above lines, exactly what Sam had dropped on him.  If we look on both Dean and Sam's views, Sam would say that Dean is like that, Sam said in 9.13: "I was ready to die.  I was ready.  I should have died, but you... You didn't want to be alone, and that's what all this boils down to.  You can't stand the thought of being alone".  I was like HOW COULD YOU, SAM! and Dean was like or was I, I was like yaa Dean cannot stand the idea of being alone, but that's true but he wants to save you and he believes that you can be saved...Dean is selfish to Sam, but idk ,,he's your brother and to Dean, Sam is like everything to him Tuzki Bunny Emoticon even Sam cannot hear him screaming.,and that last part of that episode when Sam said he wouldn't do the same for Dean. Tuzki Bunny EmoticonTuzki Bunny Emoticon you just break your only brother's heart there.  And along the episode, scenes, before this one, Dean is actually been thinking how Sam said "if you want work, then we work, but if you want to be brothers..*silence*" This one uwaaaaaa, "And I was just being honest" he said.. Ya of course Dean didn't get to sleep that night,,
It's like if I know there's still chances, I'd choose to be selfish just for the other person to be back on feet.  Sam also being a selfish dude when he decided to let things go and to die...he wasn't trying hard enough I guess.  Both of them are in great distressed and all, time is running out and all ya it's super tough.
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for the clip, who ever made this, wrote this, I want to like be friends with and share our thoughts or something cuz right now I have no one to share my thoughts about this series, amazing.  Of course other series are just as great and it is just me who do not have the time in the world for them all.  I know I'd fall in love with every single of them but for now I decide not to.  Besides I am a slow watcher *if that's a word* 

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