Friday, August 26, 2011

Baju Raya

Cute Icons

Cant remember which one is mine -_-

Pink theme
Hari Raya is just around the corner.  This year theme is pink.  A girl whom is my cousin, was like the winner of last year theme attire (it was orange) and so she picked pink for this year.  At first I was like huh?  But then oh okay,  it sounds interesting~ She is a little girl and she knows pink better. (ape yg ak tulis nih??)  Cant wait to meet my grandpa,cousins, aunts & uncles~ waa
 Ramadhan will leave us soon & surely miss it.  I scrolled down my tumblr's dashboard to look for something meaningful.  I found this: Awkward moment; when Ramadhan closing itself, you wished you had done more.
Aku lihat Ramadhan dari kejauhan, lalu kusapa ia,
“Hendak kemana engkau wahai Ramadhan?”
Dengan lembut ia berkata,
“Aku harus pergi, mungkin jauh dan sangat lama, tolong sampaikan pesanku untuk orang-orang yang beriman.
Syawal sebentar lagi akan tiba, ajaklah SABAR untuk menemani hari-hari duka dan sulitmu (bila engkau berduka), peluklah ISTIQAMAH saat kalian kelelahan dalam perjalanan TAQWA. Saat kesombongan menyerang mintalah nasehat QUR’AN dan SUNNAH, demikian juga kala menghadapi setiap masalah. Sampaikan salam dan terimakasihku untuk mereka yang beriman karena telah menyambutku dengan sukacita, kelak akan kusambut mereka di SYURGA melalui PINTU AR
Selamat meraih pahala terbaik di detik2 terakhir Ramadhan, semoga kita masih dipertemukan dengan Ramadhan berikutnya. Amin.
Wassalammu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh.

Credit to whoever did this.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

You are a joy to me~

Friendship forever

I love this layout! <3.  Again it is a simple one.  I just open a new canvas, feeling like scrapbooking, filled a background colour, scrolled down some photos (& picked these ones^^) put some embellishments, a little journal & im done. lazy.  No i just have other things to do.  But at first I tried searching for examples of scrap page that contains a lot of photos & studied about it a bit.  I found these photos of my friends back in 2009 and we were having a free time I guess?
There are 5 photos, actually there are more but Im too lazy to edit the photos one by one.  Ya I edited the pics a bit, just a little curve changes to make them brighter.  And the title is what i feel about them & others (whom are not in the pic..mianhe) that they are a joy to me.  I feel like somebody whenever Im with them^^ Alhamdulillah. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Big Girl

A cousin of mine.  She is cute in person, a small girl hehe of course who knows how tall she will be when shes grown.  Its been a long time since I met her T,T.  This layout is not the best from me aish..I made this using ACDsee photo editor something.  I just installed it yesterday as the pc wont allow me to install Adobe CS5 why??  I can only use it when using the laptop aah.  The title is big girl.  She is a smart kid!  She talks a lot (is she?) and funny!

Monday, August 8, 2011

My unni sent me a picture of the dishes (so many dishes )  And with a message  ofand I was like .  She said do not be jealous.  And so I tell my omma about this and so she told me to do the same.  I asked my dongsaeng to take a pic with my oppa's phone, but it looks like we got nothing to show  oh dear.  The best part was the handphone didnt send it, out of credit .  Unni called later that night.

Puding Roti Bakar

Puding Roti Bakar

So today extra dish was the puding bakar roti ~ Love making this, so easy to make and this was our first trial (my omma & me). We made this a few hours before berbuka.  It taste good well actually this is my first time eating this so I can't compare it to anything but alhamdulillah^^ .  To my unni who is reading this, hehe

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cat Collage

She was sleeping and my little sister snapped some photos.  As you can see the last photo, there laid a sewing machine.  And that her favorite spot for nap.  My omma had to face her whenever my omma wants to sew our clothes.  Amazingly, Eti doesnt care the loud noise produced by that machine..

Puding Roti Marbel

Swirls Puding Roti

Dipotong petak


Mm bantal busuk Bun kacau

Today special menu to break the fast was the Bread Pudding Marble !  I'm sure my Unni-shi will be jealous .  My mom went to Tesco to buy the serbuk agar-agar that is needed in the making of this dessert.  Yesterday I searched for the recipe & my mom wrote it in the paper as my oppa asked if my omma could make one.  Actually, I searched for this pudding and the other one is the Bread Pudding. Err whats the differences  ??  The other one had to be baked in the oven.  Ignore the name.  And omma asked me to make this one.  She helped a lot though .

Anyway it turned out well~ well a little bit soft.  The refrigerator is a pain sometimes .

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I scanned this doodle right after me and my dad drew this fish.  I'm not sure weather these fish are fish because they sometimes looks like sea lion well in my dad's case.  He even drew mustaches.  This doodle was found everywhere in my town.  They were drawn on the wall & cute.  I think I have the pictures some of it.  Whoever did it I just want to say its so cute but why don't try it on a real commission.  Just saying.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Gubahan telekung

close-up gubahan telekung
Gubahan sejadah

Ini gubahan yg mak buat utk jiran.  Abang jiran nk kahwin so die p kat mak utk mendptkan rujukan.  Rupa-rupanya semalam lepas medical check-up, teringat mak mintk belikan kad manila putih.  Kad manila tu adalah base kpd barang-barang di atas ini, cool eh?  Bunga-bunga tuh and design sume mak buat.



Diterangi cahaya malap lilin
Kuih muih di atas, seperti onde-onde, kuih seri muka & kasui (x pasti ejaannya) dibeli oleh mak drpd jiran sebelah, selang berbelas rumah jugak la sebagai hidangan sampingan berbuka puasa.  Pandai die buat!  Terasa original!  Kakpana tepon ingin mengetahui menu berbuka (err ni yg x suka pakai Bahasa, terasa begitu formal dan ejaan terpaksa dikurangkan hurufnye..TT) selain ingin berbangga die masak utk lauk haha.  Part yg paling best utk 1st Ramadhan kali ini, kitorg berbuka tanpa elektrik!  Blackout. Dalam 40 min sebelum berbuka dan berpanjangan sehingga hampir waktu Isyak.  Berbuka dalam cahaya malap lilin.  Lepas tu x taw bile ade api balik, p terawih.  Menu utama simple je Tomyam & Mackerel (lauk ikan sardin)! 

Lazy Post

Eti dan stokin hitam

Bukannya crown betol pun!  Rantai plastik lama.  Eti memang seekor kucing yg sabar.  Tuan die gile hehe.  Seperti biasa edit tidak dilakukan cuma kolaj je.

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