Monday, July 29, 2013


So I thought I'd share this... I was watching Tanyalah Ustaz when someone asked a question about too much farting & the ustaz even mentioned about women's 'vaginal fart' ya I made the term but I think it exists.  So this is very important.

Penulis: Dr Rosediani Muhammad.
(Pakar Perubatan Keluarga, Kampus Kesihatan Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan)
Keluar angin melalui faraj (kentut vagina)
Perbahasan mengenai keluarnya angin melalui faraj atau vagina atau qubul ada disentuh oleh ulama. Mengikut kaedah saintifik, vagina adalah tiub yang berotot dan berdinding membran sepanjang 7 hingga 9 cm yang menghubungkan pangkal rahim ke bukaan faraj. Bukaan faraj ini dikawal oleh beberapa otot kemut sama seperti otot yang mengelilingi bukaan dubur dan salur kencing. Dalam keadaan biasa, tiub ini berada dalam keadaan tertutup, dindingnya kempis menyentuh antara satu sama lain dan tidak mengeluarkan sebarang angin. Ini adalah kerana bakteria yang berada di sel-sel lapisan dalam vagina hanya bertindak balas mengeluarkan asid laktik untuk menjadikan faraj berasid, lembab dan membantu mengelakkan jangkitan kuman pada permukaannya.
Keadaan ini berbeza dengan situasi yang berlaku pada usus besar yang mana bakteria dalam usus besar bertindakbalas mengeluarkan gas yang dikenali sebagai kentut. Maka dalam keadaan normal, vagina sepatutnya tidak mengeluarkan sebarang angin melainkan sekiranya seseorang wanita itu mengalami masalah fistula (lubang penyambung) antara rektum (usus besar) dengan vagina akibat pembedahan antara usus dan faraj. Keadaan ini menyebabkan angin dari usus besar masuk ke dalam faraj.
Kebanyakan wanita sebenarnya mengalami masalah keluar masuk angin di antara kelopak besar labia (labia majora), angin ini berkumpul di celah ruang yang terbentuk antara kelopak dan faraj.  Fenomena ini sering disalah anggap sebagai angin yang keluar dari bukaan faraj.  Lebih memburukkan keadaan apabila wanita berkenaan mengangkat hadas iaitu membasuh bahagian kemaluan mereka.  Air yang terperangkap di celah kelopak-kelopak besar labia, menyebabkan pergerakan angin keluar masuk melalui kelopak-kelopak labia ini lebih ketara dirasai semasa pergerakan solat, yang akhirnya turut mengeluarkan bunyi dan rasa keluar angin seperti kentut.  Lebih menyulitkan lagi bukaan faraj tidak mempunyai deria rasa yang sensitif seperti bukaan dubur hingga membolehkan kita dapat merasai keluarnya angin dari bukaan faraj secara yakin.
Namun begitu, keluar masuk angin di vagina berkemungkinan berlaku kepada wanita yang mengalami kelemahan pada otot-otot kemut seperti wanita yang telah melahirkan ramai anak, mengalami masalah jatuh peranakan dan juga tidak dapat mengawal kencing (kencing dedas) Bagi memastikan bahawa angin yang keluar masuk itu bukan dari vagina, wanita disarankan berdehem selepas membuang air sebagaimana dianjurkan Rasulullah bagi orang yang mengalami masalah kencing dedas, mengelap kering bahagian sulit selepas berhadas kecil, atau melakukan ujian dengan meletakkan tisu di antara kelopak ini (bukan menyumbat faraj). Sekiranya angin sudah tidak kedengaran lagi, maka sahlah ia berasal dari masalah ini, jika dia terus menerus berlaku, maka wanita perlu mengakui besar kemungkinan angin itu berasal dari faraj. Wanita berkenaan disarankan untuk mempraktikkan senanam kemut untuk menguatkan semula otot-otot kemut bagi menutup kemas bukaan faraj.

Hukum dan implikasinya
Hukum wanita yang mengeluarkan angin / kentut melalui faraj (qubul) dan juga dubur adalah batal wuduknya berdasarkan dalil berikut,

عَنْ َعبَّادِ بْنِ تَمِيْمٍ عَنِ النَّبِىِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ : لاَ يَنْصَرِفْ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ صَوْتاً أَوْ يَجِدَ رِيْحاً

‘Abbad bin Tamim melaporkan daripada Nabi s.a.w yang berkata, “Jangan seseorang berpaling iaitu meninggalkan solat sehingga ia mendengar bunyi kentutnya atau tercium baunya”.
Hadis direkodkan oleh Muslim dan Bukhari.

Berdasarkan hadis di atas, secara jelas Rasulullah memberitahu bahawa keluar angin boleh membatalkan solat. Oleh sebab itu, wanita yang mengalami masalah angin pada faraj disarankan mengambil langkah-langkah berikut;
1. Berdehem selepas membuang air kecil.
2. Membasuh kemaluan dengan sempurna.
3. Mengelap faraj sehingga kering dan menutupi ruang kemaluan dengan tisu, kain atau menutupi ruang dengan rapat menggunakan tuala pelekat yang nipis dan bersih.
4. Kemudian memakai seluar dalam yang kemas agar udara tidak boleh keluar masuk sebelum berwuduk dan menunaikan solat.

 source : here

I found this too.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Movie : Source Code

#spoiler alert

So I was updating my Gerard it's my pendrive getting rid of some stuffs, take some in & all because later I'll be sending my Hardy it's my lappy to get formatted and this time we send it to the shop unlike previous.  Oppa & Nam-dongsaeng can do it themselves and me myself I guess.  Okay, so while looking in the 'movies' folder, I found some unfamiliar movies & korean dramas.  I deleted most of the latter because honestly I am not fond with dramas except the ones that I love but currently I dont have them in Gerard uh wait maybe HIMYM is.  Before I hit delete to those names, I decided to take a look at them, maybe It'll remind me where I get those and might like them.  So, I opened the 'Source Code' movie and fast forwarded it a bit & OH MY GOD I saw JAKE GYLLENHAAL! I hope I get his name correct.  And then I decided to take a sit and watch it fully hearted!  And I don't regretted it.  I love this movie.  It was awesome, fantastic and handsomely done!  That handsomely is mainly I aimed for the main cast which he, Jake is.  That is one of the reason I decided to watch it in the first place.  Then the part I first encountered in the movie was he in some sort of iron room or spaceship or something and he was in his army outfit.  That army is so my thing.  It is action.  I love action movies.  Later after the movie I looked on about him and he always got himself in action movies like army things and stuffs kind a like of movies.  He was in Jarhead, Brother, & I guess more to come, Prisoner (2014) oh oh yaa & The Day After Tomorrow!  That counts.   Hmm I still havent watched other movies but I believe they have similar genre.  I just think that his face is not suit I mean in a good way, he might hurt himself LOLOL merepek ak but he rocked them!  So he is free to go.

And yeah, the movie to me was beautifully done, the casts are awesome hmm but I find the black man Lutdger or something his name sorry if its wrong his acting is a bit off.  I dont know, I just thought that he would me a bit more dark in intonation but he's doing fine anyway hehe.  The girl, Christina, she is a match to Captain & good to know that he fell in love with her but too bad the girl thought it was a different man, a man of a name I forgot but he's a teacher.  So its like Captain is actually inside of a another man's body to do a mission and its too hard for me to write how.  Just go watch.  The plot is so great, the messages are so heart-touching.  "What would you do if you have another minute to live?"  I hope I get the quote correct.  We can see crushed hopes, regrets & some bunch of other words of the same meaning.  Heartbroken and tear.

The way of the story being presented and arranged are great.  The effects are good.  And that moment when Goodwin hit the termination button, ughh so heart broken.  I like the idea of them creating some devices that umm like in the movie and the need of someone to complete a mission.  Its like a kind of things you get when you watch Inception, and a time-thingy like Phonebooth and ughh I wish I can name more names.

Hmm but I do have some questions.  What is the rational of the leaked hydraulic capsule he was in and he almost froze himself because of it.  *go google*.

I dont know much about film critiques but all I do know what I want in movies.





Ps: I have new pendrive.  Bought it yesterday.  I named him Gyllenhaal.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Lyric: Good Gone Girl

This is a lyric to the song of Good Gone Girl.  By Mika.  You are the coolest.  And I just realized that to try to sing along to any of your songs are just too hard!  The speed and the umm everything I guess.  Haa I cant express the song with my voice.  What the heck!  But honestly I dance to it everytime I put it on and the dance style should be a funny one err I don't have the right term yet but what Im trying to say is the one like a bit of a lyrical ballet?  Yes? No? Maybe.  Thank you.  BUt for sure the song makes me want to move all around the house with smiling from ear to ear.  And that was before I know the words of the song.  It is the music that moves me.  Now that I know the words I'll be like trying to follow what it says.  This is cool.  The lyric is like a story and in which I dont understand it at all.  Well maybe a bit because we can see some flowing there. 

Could you believe
The same old story
It never bores me
Though I've heard it all before.

Her name was Georgia
And she was gorgeous.
When she adored ya
The whole room would get to know.

Like a movie that is filled with lust
Coming at you with a double D bust.
At the bed of a wounded soldier
In a rush cause she's gettin older.

Hanging out in the fancy bars
With the boys who can play guitar.
Listen up cause I've got to warn ya
She's gonna make it out in California.

Hey you what's a good girl like you
Doin' in this crazy world?
Where's the good gone girl?

Dance, dance to the life you wanted
When you were only 17
With your good girl dream.

Oooh oooh etc. good gone girl

Could you believe
The same old phonies
Those painted ponies
That you've ridden all before.

Her name was April
But she was hateful.
Enough to make you
Want to run right out the door.

I can tell you what you want the most
Hang around for the champagne toast.
When the end of the night gets tricky
Don't you know that beggars can't be picky?

Lookin' out for a man who's golden
Doesn't matter if he's old, he's rollin'.
Coming at you like a desperate hunter
Sugar daddy but he's just a munter.

Hey you what's a good girl like you
Doin' in this crazy world?
Where's the good gone girl?

Dance, dance to the life you wanted
When you were only 17
With your good girl dream.

Oooh oooh [etc.] good gone girl

She's walkin around all over the town.
Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.
She's happy to choose somebody to use.
Good gone girl she's got nothin left to lose.

ps: can I write a one shot to this?

Semester 5

So the classes im in is out.  I just logged in when a coursemate posted the announcement and the subjects are out just in the picture above.  I havent check my class yet because my lappy is running quite slow so yeah.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Album : Give It To Me

  1.  Miss Sistar
  2. Give it to me
  3. The way you make me melt (it is written in hangul originally)
  4.  Bad boy (this too)
  5. Summer time
  6. A week
  7. Crying
  8. Hey you
  9. If U Want
  10. Up and down
  11. give it to me inst. ver
Lovely tracks.  I was waiting eagerly for the mv to come out aritu.  I like it especially Hyorin's part on the 2nd verse & the part after Bora..the dance move huahah.


Album: The Boy Who Knew Too Much

not mine

  1. we are golden
  2. blame it on the girls
  3. rain
  4. Dr John
  5. I see you
  6. Blue eyes
  7. Good Gone Girl
  8. Touches you
  9. By the time
  10. One foot boy
  11. Toy Boy
  12. Pick up off the floor
I love this album and I always love Mika's works & albums!  They are inspirations!  The songs are catchy, cute, and make me feel like dancing, like really badly!  Make me want to go out and search for any studio dance!  My friends...ugh seriously onesan is right at some point.  I must be at my own or I get left behind especially on these things I passion-ed about.  If I wait for them It'd be like I will wait for them like..forever.  Im sorry.

So for this album, precious album (hey Mika, make more ;3) I love 'Blame it on girls', 'Rain', 'Blue Eyes', 'Good Gone Girl', 'Touches you', 'One foot boy' ,'toy boy'.. whahhaha looks like all!  Still I havent absorb the lyrics yet *running to read the lyrics*.  Suddenly I remembered Katy Perry..hey I cant wait for ur next 'baby'.   

Its been quite sometime I last updated this.  Thought the blog is having corrupt stuffs going on.  Now I forgot what I supposed to update wahahha.  Anyway, I watched 1D's latest MV and I grinned everytime I replay it and all the way the song.  I fell in love with them again (i always like this muahah).  The MV is funny argg NO its hillarious!  I like all of them being turned to some one else!  Niall is the best! hahahha no all of them are! LOLOLO.  Do they as real persons?? anyway Niall the part he said 'Who?' hahaha really old manlike,, Zayn sexy as woow!  I wonder why his boobs look real *squinting eyes* Harry as Marcel & he can act!  The way he intro Leeroy wahhahahahha.  Louis I almost coudnt recognize him!  Love them! Please make more of this.  Harry and Veronica (Zayn) part are like so wow LOL.

  • trying/going for zumba at dance studio 
  • Its Ramadhan!
  • making brooches, felt ones & fabric
  • surveying projectlife/smashbook & etc (cant afford)
  • making photobook for umrah or shorter trips (on hiatus)
  • cleaning up the clatter of the house/throwing out some stuffs
  • drawing Rihanna's outfits (on hiatus)
  • lots of cats coming in the house
  • oppa making cookies
  • Et peeing all over -_-
  • Thinking of cosplaying
  • watching Dance Moms (not regularly tho) love Maddie
  • watching Runningman (just when the channel accidentally clicked), Barefoot friends (last nite ep was my fav, they learn to dive & uri Eunhyuk is natural at it <3)
  • ya thinking of making a journal book for '30days kpop challenge' stuff (maybe)
  • guestbook?
  • etc
  • what am I doin?

ps: Omma reminded me to get stuffs for raya ready.. the feast stuffs.  We'll bring them there.  Because things are messed up.  Seriously yaa..



Okay, last night I watched an episode of Barefoot Friends with omma.  They were challenging themselves to dive.  And I was mesmerized by the sport!  Yaa its not that it was my first time watching synchronized diving or whatsoever but last night,, it really triggered me to join this kind of sport.  I WANT to learn it Onion Head Emoticons 7!  Just where? ughh.  After Uee showed her swimming skills I was like woa woA Woa jakun habes!  Uee was so graceful and her slender waist was showing.  Sexy time.Onion Head Emoticons 4
Ughh I wish you guys can see it.  I cant find a shorter clip but here. Also Eunhyuk was doing so fine as a first time diver.  He learns so fast and yeah I kept reminded abeoji and omma that he is an athletic person.  Yaa athletes are so untung man.  Its like they can do whatever they want with their body. 

Ya I wish I can learn to dive like that or at least to do somersault whenever I'm at pool.  Hmm I can swim at least.

ya this (sorry for the aurat)

This pose too

cant wait to get this view

I cant even do rolling on the ground. Onion Head Emoticons 30 I need to practicela...
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