Monday, January 27, 2014

Birthday : Another year older mehh~

*blowing confetti over your face*

Assalamualaikum~Happy birthday Sarah-sama! LOL.  Ya so firstly I want to apologize since I can't make a present for you which is handmade by me.  Do ignore that sentence.  Weird sentence.  I am so busy living my life with the relatives out of town and I have to leave all my tools and stuff back at home.  Currently I'm at home to get some more stuffs and to get some work done before heading back to the 8hrs trip.  I missed my cats a lot too.  Hahah.  I had a lot of ideas for the gifts I was intend to make.  Trust me I had the ideas since Ika's birthday but the wedding date is getting closer and so I had to sacrifice your part!  Haaha sounds a bit ritual-ish!  There were so many things I wanted to make or at least one but I just't can't decide on which one to make.  One thing for sure I wanted to make book.  The kinda art journal book which should be a handmade stuff.  Than I were to include some guidelines for you on how to handle or use the book.  Yup something like that.  Then I thought of kpop stuffs; Exo came across my mind first hand.  So, sorry again huhuhu.  Haihh Just wait lahh.  Anyway, Alhamdulillah you're 22 now~ Smoga pnjg umuq, dilimpahi rezeki, cantek and sihat selalu, n bahagia slalu! dengan ucapan Hehe go get married!

Nah, random photo
  • Be a good muslimah
  • mori girl
  • Let's travel
  • Do photoshoot the cool way!
  • Friends forever

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