Woah I accidentally deleted my 'Battle' post & it was long..oh dear what happened 。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。 It was so productive Im tellin ya! Well I guess Im writing it back. In the mean time I am watching a sad movie the Pearl Harbour movie with Ben Affleck & Josh Hartnett in it (*ノωノ)(*ノωノ). I will write a review on it later. Alright the battle Im talking about was the battle the students here faced. Two days ago, it was the course registration time, we the students had to arrange our own timetable for the next semester & for me, the 3rd semester. I had my friend to arrange that for me hahaha, well actually I copied hers, thats all. She had to sacrifices few hours of her sleep time for this, thanks friend (#^.^#). We were seated in front of our laptops & waited for midnight. Some of us stayed up in the campus, I don't even bothered to have that kind of thought. But thanks guys who helped me & others who were in pain. Yaha we were in pain. Some cried. I was finishing my CALL assignment, the video making thing. I finished that at last & had it sent to the pigeon hole. Alhamdulillah~ Anyway, after that my housemates started to scream "Its out" or something like that. The site for the registration thing was opened for us to pick the subjects & which group we want. But while others were struggling to get in to the site, I was still struggling to get the internet line connected щ(゜ロ゜щ). It was an awkward moment & sad too..of course. Long story short, I asked for a hand from a classmate & I gave my ID and password for her to give to another person who was offering a hand. Some were done by flying colours & some had to take the leftovers subjects -_-' For now, I have 13 credit hours when I am suppose to get 21.
Uhh this post is much more shorter than the one I lost.
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