Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mori #2

Second post on mori style.  Princess Yvonne Emoticons 29<-- anyway this is Princess Yvonne gif emoticon I recently found Onion Head Emoticons 27.  Anyway for the mori style of clothing, I fell in love with it again and how I really want to use it in my daily life Onion Head Emoticons 48 and Im glad that my yo dongsaeng n sarah love it too and head over heels with it Onion Head Emoticons 34. I found really few of shops that sell this kind of style here in Malaysia.  We also can get this kind of style by buying separate clothing that are not intentionally sold as mori but yeah still we can look for it.  I mean the earth tones plain t shirt or shirts or skirts with ruffles and laces.  Yup theres still hope.  Haha.  BTW   I updated this.  Cute eh  Onion Head Emoticons 67So I got few for myself and yo dongsaeng..yeah we can share each other clothes because we are kinda the same size even she is a bit taller, a bit.  And even our shoes.

err edited

can combine them
And a few more but not sure where I put the photos.  Onion Head Emoticons 90

Arent they beautiful? ><

Photobucket Princess Yvonne Emoticons 43

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