Mori. Have you heard about Mori before? I discovered the word like two days ago! So sad that I just knew about this but so fortunate now that I know about this. Like the terms Harajuku and its subs like Lolita, Decora, Cosplay and lots more (I actually study the terms, for real really!), I fall in love again! <3<3 Mori is a Japanese word that means forest. It started when a girl posted her picture of her outfit in a Japanese's social networking, Mixi and her outfit was described as looking like she belongs to the forest. The image of one could think how the girls in forest wear daily. Loose clothes, love layering clothes, earth tone colour clothes, vintage blouses, anything that you could picture living in the forest. Forest like where Snow White lives hehe. If you love fairy tales you are said to be a Mori too and here are the checklist to see if you are one. For me, some of the listings in the list are a little nonsense hehe because emm you see it for yourself but it is interesting though. But I still answer 'yes' for most of it (O.o). So around the year 2007 & 2008 a new fashion line was found and that is Mori style. Since then, Mori girls are mentioned. Of course the Japanese girls are the one who really rock this style! Really! They never fail in fashion & for that, why I love them to pieces, the Japan's street fashion. Also, the style has evolved to Gyaru Mori, Dark Mori and more..this is if not mistaken. The Gyaru means gal/girl but so far when I search something that has to do with that term, the girls are seemed to wear sexy outtfits like shorter skirts or flaunting more skin..yeah, Correct me! Because I am so in love with this style, I started to look for blogs, photos that are related to this O(≧∇≦)O so happy! I guess the first blog I found was this and then, led me to various more blogs and stuffs. One is this game, well a kind of. I made myself an account and I think I love it. I even installed some gadgets on the sidebar of this blog. The photos above of this writing is from someone's polyvore & I like it so I share it here as I saw the 'Share this' button so I clicked on it. So the price lists of the stuff are included. Waaaa. Yaa and want to know who are the most potential mori girl or they are the mori girls, click here. Super modest and cute and MORI! I love everything about this term.
p/s: I watched Dylan's Surprise Unboxing in the Youtube and wow (T__T), omma baked Puding Roti yesterday & it was superb. Currently designing or fixing the bee logo.
Current song : Bad Boy by Big Bang. Wonderful song.
I am back! Back to my home sweet home! Alhamdulillah! I arrived at about 6.20am and waited a little while for abeoji and omma to fetch me. My bag was torn (T_T) but it's okay I don't mind..sobs. I & my friend almost missed the bus (((( ;°Д°)))) I hope this will be the first and the last experience ever..Amin. (((( ;°Д°)))) long story short, we managed to get to the bus which was waiting for us after the toll & we were on one of the people-who-arranges-the-bus-things' car. Relieved. Thanks for them who waited, called, drove. Pheww
Anyway I want to share what I've been watching this pass few weeks err or days ヽ( ´¬`)ノ
#1 PAPARAZZI music video by Girls Generation
#2 DIE IN YOUR ARMS by Justin Bieber
(well its not a video but this is how I know this song..thru Youtube) I super love this song. (>,<)
#3 LIKE THIS Dance Practice by Wonder Girls (i like this dance after listening to it thrice)
The Twins version too! They are my favourite cover-dancers^^
#4 WAVEYA dance covers
They are like one of the top cover-dancers that I like & for their cover on To You by Teen Top, they really entertained me (T___T) perfect . They made me want to learn this dance so much.
P/s: and of course lot more videos, Kpop vids, Jozan clips & even cats vid >,<
P/s 2 : one of my cats is sick, very sick ~(>_<。) I brought her to the clinic this morning..
On the day I was going back to college which was the same day my family went back home, something went wrong with the track or something of the train. I was like ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ the moment that operator guy told me he was sorry about that. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノヽ(゚Д゚)ノ I hurriedly call unnie who I believed wasn't too far by the time I called her. She came back & I called Anis-unni about it & unni called omma. I wasn't prepared for this but I managed to keep a straight face and act calmly ヽ(ー_ー )ノ haha (´~`;). We went to Pudu bus station & unni was with me from the ticket counter & to the bus. Thanks unni ~(>_<。). She kept on saying if she still lived there then it will be no problem to send me straight to TM but its ok laa. Luckily by the time we bought the ticket, it was a few minutes before the bus departed. I even asked my relatives on whether I can stop for awhile to eat McDonalds in the KL central & they were so "Haiya Y U No ask yesterday??" & some "Go get some now. NOW not at the Kl central." I was reluctant at first because I want it at the KL central. So unni brought us to the nearest McD and I bought a set of Mc Egg Muffin & Ribena & some bread for her at the next shop. This scene was before we knew that there will be no train to TM. That McD was meant for me anyway that morning (@´_`@)Alhamdulillah..Thank you (@´_`@)I longed for McD. Pity me. Hahah
Perfect selca щ(゜ロ゜щ)
They put on '3 Idiots' movie but the Tamil version
So I was in KL from 7th May to ahh I forgot (too lazy to count). It was the 6 days gap before the final two papers & so I decided to go away for a while. My family was there too. There were to sending my nam-dongsaeng back to his university. The Dip students's holiday had meets its end hehe. On 9th May, we were off to auntie's house to take my nam-dongsaeng's stuff. Ya more stuff. It was the same date when I was supposed to go out with Syafika but she was held back by some problem at the last minute time 。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。 so I asked abeoji to take me instead (。・ω・。) & all of us too hehe. After taken his stuffs & ate delicious noodles we went to the resident area. We left some of his stuffs and rode off to Berjaya Times Square. It was only a short time because we spent a lot of time on the road figuring out which ways to that building (-__-'') haha. I just wanted to buy Twinkle album and I had it thank God!
On 8th May, I was in KL and so my family. That morning Abeoji sent me and omma to Putra terminal for us to take a train after we had our breakfast in pasar Selayang! I had laksa Johor & begedil, abeoji with his mee rebus and omma with her porridge. Superb I love it (=´∇`=) but I supposed to eat roti canai (´・_・`). We brought home roti canai for them anyway. Omma & I went to Masjid Jamek to look for some shawls & scarfs she said. Well I don't know how this place even looks like (-__-) so I don't expect anything to buy. The token system of the train is still new to omma & she said if I wasn't around she might just left! Haha I somehow felt that this whole time me spending my time with the trains, LRT & stuffs are worth now o(´^`)o. I am so glad. This Muaz textiles store is very cheap! ∑(O_O ) for real. Nice trip with omma! She bought some cheap bags too & while waiting for her to choose I bought a blazer which I forgot to take a pic of it. I love it.
I think I am done with packing my things up. We have to empty the house before we leave for the holidays. Except for the things that I'll be needing for a few more hours before get on to the bus tonight. To be brought home, three bags and one laptop bag..too many (-_-). I only leave that big blue bag, a medium size box & of course the pail stuff in the reading room or the TV room downstair. The box is filled with books & files so it is important box. Hmm how am I going to bring those down (-_-'). The bags still left unzipped because I need to keep the bedsheet that still covering the case I still need some nap this afternoon hohoho & etc.
P/s: Last night, I twittered with hudda my cousin, just a little fine chat. She told me her family is going to visit hallijah in Kuantan today .(T__T) I wish I could go!