Monday, June 4, 2012

Exam time

Exam schedule

o( ><)o  Yaa exam is here now.  So one subject had passed.  I hope I can get good result.  Hmm but whenever I'm thinking about my courseworks' marks haiyaa I don't know because they are just fine while other classmates are better (-_-).  So many things happened.  Ya Allah, give me strength..And I have a week gap before the last two papers & I'm thinking of going out, alone to meet Syafika (^_~). 

And yeah the best part!  I've seen Monster by Big Bang MV~
I love it & even consider on buying the album.  I'm not sure how it looks like but my cousin had surveyed & it is a repackage album of that Alive album..hmm alright then.  She wants to buy it so I give my details so I can get one too (>,<)..Oh dear what about the Twinkle TTS album & Sherlock by SHInee?

Ps:This post doesn't deserve a signature..

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